Your opinion matters, we need it! Please fill in our survey!

Keep unboxing to find out more about Santorini’s wines, fava and tomataki Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) products!
Your opinion matters, we need it! Please fill in our survey!
Travel with us to the world-renowned island of Santorini through the taste of its exquisite agricultural products.
Located in the southern Aegean Sea, the Greek island of Santorini is known for its unique volcanic and anhydrous microclimate.
This is why each and every product that is cultivated on the island has unique characteristics and unparalleled flavor!
You can taste the island’s history through the exceptional wines, fava beans (special kind of yellow split peas) and tomatoes (tomataki) that are solely produced here.
Keep unboxing to find out more about Santorini’s wines, fava and tomataki Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) products!
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